Online flight & drone logging

For Individuals, & Business

If you have found this site then well done, but please be aware this site is in development and still in it's 'Alpha' build state. Details below are what we hope to achieve in the future.


Current Records

RPAS Dashboard offers you a professional & affordable online record keeping service. Your records are secure and you can export them as a PDF to download and keep or provide to others as a record of your flight history.

  • Multiple Pilots
  • Service records
  • Flight Logging
  • Multiple Drones
  • Personal Flight recording
  • Multi Company Recording
  • More coming soon ...
Start Your Recording Today

Register with us to start your professional flight logging.

Business Introductory offer from only £50 per year!

Pilot Introductory offer from only £10 per year!


What We Offer


Our record system will mean you can manage all of your operation records in one easy place. From as little as £20 per year you can maintain professional record keeping.


Export your records in PDF format to send along with your OA applications.


What Our Clients Say

Testimonial To Go Here.

Jan Smith
Small Buisiness owner

Testimonial To Go Here.

Robert Ham
Private flyer

Testimonial To Go Here.

Drone Operations Manager